Slackware 14.1 Released!
Published on 2013-11-08 at 10:00:00 by Georgi Sotirov
Yesterday, The Slackware Linux Project announced the availablity of the next release from the 14.x series, which is a result of over a year of planning, development, and testing. Here is a list of notable changes:
- System:
- UEFI support (x86-64 only)
- USB, IEEE 1394 (FireWire), ACPI, PCMCIA, and Cardbus support (for grat experince on a laptop)
- Kernel 3.10.17 (for advanced performance )
- GNU LibC 2.17 (that has excellent compatibitliy with existing binaries)
- Services:
- ISC BIND 9.9.3
- Apache 2.4.6
- MariaDB 5.5.32 (replaces MySQL)
- Development:
- GCC 4.8.2 (the default compiler for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran and Ada)
- LLVM 3.3. and CLang (as alternative C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++ compilers)
- Perl 5.18.1
- PHP 5.4.20
- Python 2.7.5
- Subversion 1.7.13
- git 1.8.4
- mercurial 2.7.2
- Qt Designer
- KDevelop 4.5.2
- X desktop and environments:
- X11R7.7 (X.Org server 1.14.3 with many improvements to performance and hardware support)
- KDE 4.10.5 (with Qt 4.8.5)
- Browsers:
- Firefox ESR 24.1
- Konqueror 4.10.5
- Seamonkey 2.21 (as a replacement for Mozilla Suite)
You could read the official announcement and the release notes, but if upgrading do not forget to check the file CHANGES_AND_HINTS, which contains information about packages added, removed, renamed, and/or split during the development cycle from the previous stable release. The file also contains information about changes in the system important for packagers.
Of course, you could buy Slackware on a CD set or deluxe dual-sided DVD at Slackware Store, which offers also branded products (like t-shirts, caps, pins, etc.), so you could identify yourself to your fellows.
Enjoy using ;-)