Packages: 2530, Size: 10.02 GB

Package details for Swish-e 2.4.7 for Intel i486

This package is for Slackware version, which reached end of life on 2013-12-09. This means that security patches will no longer be provided for it. If you are still using Slackware 12.2 we strongly recommend upgrading to a newer version (preferably as recent as possible).

Name: swish-e (Swish-e)
Version: 2.4.7
Architecture: Intel i486
Build: 1
Format: Slackware 12.2

Homepage ext^
Release date: 2009-04-05

Swish-e is a fast, flexible, and free open source system for indexing collections of Web pages or other files. Swish-e is ideally suited for collections of a million documents or smaller. Using the GNOME(tm) libxml2 parser and a collection of filters, Swish-e can index plain text, e-mail, PDF, HTML, XML, Microsoft(r) Word/PowerPoint/Excel and just about any file that can be converted to XML or HTML text. Swish-e is also often used to supplement databases like the MySQL(r) DBMS for very fast full-text searching.

LicenseGPL v2 ext^
Category: Console
Series: ap (Various applications that do not require the X Window System.)
SlackBuild: Yes, included
From binary release: No



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