Packages: 2530, Size: 10.02 GB

Package details for libgxps 0.2.2 for Intel i486

This package is for Slackware version, which reached end of life on 2024-01-03. This means that security patches will no longer be provided for it. If you are still using Slackware 14.0 we strongly recommend upgrading to a newer version (preferably as recent as possible).

Name: libgxps (libgxps)
Version: 0.2.2
Architecture: Intel i486
Build: 1
Format: Slackware 14.0

Homepage ext^
Release date: 2012-03-19
VendorGnome ext^ (list of packages)

libgxps is a GObject based library for handling and rendering XPS documents.
The package includes binary utilities xpstopng, xpstopdf, xpstosvg, xpstojpeg and xpstops.

LicenseLGPL v2.1 ext^
Category: Library
Series: l (Libraries. Dynamically linked libraries required by many other programs.)
SlackBuild: Yes, included
From binary release: No



Other formats

Format Version Build Architecture Date/Time Size Details
Slackware 14.2 0.2.5 1 Intel x86-64 2017-02-28 120.85 KB (123 752 B) View
Slackware 14.2 0.2.5 1 Intel i586 2017-02-28 121.09 KB (123 992 B) View
Slackware 14.1 0.2.4 1 Intel x86-64 2017-02-28 114.95 KB (117 712 B) View
Slackware 14.1 0.2.4 1 Intel i486 2017-02-28 113.2 KB (115 916 B) View
Slackware 14.0 0.2.2 1 Intel x86-64 2017-02-28 103.44 KB (105 924 B) View
Slackware 13.37 0.1.0 1 Intel x86-64 2017-02-27 62.59 KB (64 096 B) View
Slackware 13.37 0.1.0 1 Intel i486 2017-02-27 59.03 KB (60 448 B) View