Package signature for lzip 1.18 for Intel x86-64
This is the package signature as generated by The GnuPG. This signature identifies the party that created the package. By verifying it you are sure that the package coming from a trustworty person or organization.
Here is the package signature:
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iEYEABECAAYFAlgDmJMACgkQqesEzEdeXBGB3ACgjjEDxUolZTtuL43EMtiMG4t+ krAAoIv3FLmjjwEKdT6+/6ufcBh3asMr =G3ow -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
You can save this signature in a text file (e.g. lzip-1.18-x86_64-1gds.txz.asc) in the same directory where the package file (lzip-1.18-x86_64-1gds.txz) resides and you can verify it by issuing the following command:
gpg --verify lzip-1.18-x86_64-1gds.txz.asc
NOTE: You need to import the public key of SlackPack first:
gpg --import KEY