Packages: 2530, Size: 10.02 GB

Package details for ZVBI 0.2.33 for Intel x86-64 (3)

This package is for Slackware version, which reached end of life on 2018-07-05. This means that security patches will no longer be provided for it. If you are still using Slackware 13.1 we strongly recommend upgrading to a newer version (preferably as recent as possible).

Name: zvbi (ZVBI)
Version: 0.2.33
Architecture: Intel x86-64
Build: 3
Format: Slackware 13.1

Homepage ext^
Release date: 2008-09-04

The Zapping VBI library, in short ZVBI, provides functions to capture and decode VBI data. It is written in plain ANSI C with few dependencies on other tools and libraries, and licensed under LGPL.
The vertical blanking interval (VBI) is an interval in a television signal that temporarily suspends transmission of the signal for the electron gun to move back up to the first line of the television screen to trace the next screen field.

LicenseLGPL v2 ext^
Category: Library
Series: l (Libraries. Dynamically linked libraries required by many other programs.)
SlackBuild: Yes, included
From binary release: No


Requires: Suggests:

Other formats

Format Version Build Architecture Date/Time Size Details
Slackware 14.2 0.2.35 2 Intel x86-64 2016-09-12 374.09 KB (383 064 B) View
Slackware 14.2 0.2.35 2 Intel i586 2016-09-12 369.11 KB (377 972 B) View
Slackware 13.37 0.2.33 4 Intel x86-64 2016-08-31 356.04 KB (364 584 B) View
Slackware 13.37 0.2.33 4 Intel i486 2016-08-31 333.29 KB (341 284 B) View
Slackware 13.0 0.2.33 2 Intel x86-64 2016-08-26 324.09 KB (331 872 B) View
Slackware 13.0 0.2.33 2 Intel i486 2016-08-26 309.06 KB (316 476 B) View
Slackware 14.1 0.2.35 1 Intel x86-64 2015-05-30 369.09 KB (377 948 B) View
Slackware 14.1 0.2.35 1 Intel i486 2015-05-30 348.7 KB (357 064 B) View
Slackware 14.0 0.2.34 1 Intel x86-64 2015-05-30 366.93 KB (375 732 B) View
Slackware 14.0 0.2.34 1 Intel i486 2015-05-30 355.76 KB (364 296 B) View
Slackware 13.1 0.2.33 3 Intel i486 2010-09-11 332.07 KB (340 036 B) View
Slackware 12.1 0.2.33 1 Intel i486 2008-11-16 389.33 KB (398 673 B) View