Packages: 2530, Size: 10.02 GB

Package details for LAPACK 3.2.2 for Intel x86-64

This package is for Slackware version, which reached end of life on 2018-07-05. This means that security patches will no longer be provided for it. If you are still using Slackware 13.0 we strongly recommend upgrading to a newer version (preferably as recent as possible).

Name: lapack (LAPACK)
Version: 3.2.2
Architecture: Intel x86-64
Build: 1
Format: Slackware 13.0

Homepage ext^
Release date: 2010-07-30
VendorNetlib ext^ (list of packages)

LAPACK is written in Fortran90 and provides routines for solvingsystems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutionsof linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singularvalue problems. The associated matrix factorizations (LU,Cholesky, QR, SVD, Schur, generalized Schur) are also provided,as are related computations such as reordering of the Schurfactorizations and estimating condition numbers. Dense and bandedmatrices are handled, but not general sparse matrices. In allareas, similar functionality is provided for real and complexmatrices, in both single and double precision.

LicenseBSD ext^
Category: Library
Series: l (Libraries. Dynamically linked libraries required by many other programs.)
SlackBuild: Yes, included
From binary release: No



Other formats

Format Version Build Architecture Date/Time Size Details
Slackware 15.0 3.10.1 1 Intel x86-64 2022-07-01 2 MB (2 097 324 B) View
Slackware 15.0 3.10.1 1 Intel i586 2022-07-01 1.81 MB (1 896 764 B) View
Slackware 14.2 3.7.1 1 Intel x86-64 2017-06-29 1.94 MB (2 029 516 B) View
Slackware 14.2 3.7.1 1 Intel i586 2017-06-29 1.78 MB (1 870 120 B) View
Slackware 14.2 3.7.0 1 Intel x86-64 2016-12-24 1.94 MB (2 029 424 B) View
Slackware 14.2 3.7.0 1 Intel i586 2016-12-24 1.78 MB (1 869 620 B) View
Slackware 14.0 3.4.2 2 Intel x86-64 2016-11-06 1.54 MB (1 617 980 B) View
Slackware 14.0 3.4.2 2 Intel i486 2016-11-06 1.37 MB (1 440 796 B) View
Slackware 14.2 3.6.1 1 Intel x86-64 2016-09-23 1.77 MB (1 860 240 B) View
Slackware 14.2 3.6.1 1 Intel i586 2016-09-23 1.63 MB (1 706 256 B) View
Slackware 13.1 3.2.2 2 Intel x86-64 2016-09-23 1.64 MB (1 716 696 B) View
Slackware 14.1 3.5.0 1 Intel x86-64 2014-03-10 1.62 MB (1 703 232 B) View
Slackware 14.1 3.5.0 1 Intel i486 2014-03-10 1.39 MB (1 461 904 B) View
Slackware 13.37 3.4.2 1 Intel x86-64 2014-03-09 1.55 MB (1 628 216 B) View
Slackware 13.37 3.4.2 1 Intel i486 2014-03-09 1.38 MB (1 445 824 B) View
Slackware 13.0 3.2.2 1 Intel i486 2014-03-09 1.01 MB (1 062 388 B) View
Slackware 13.37 3.4.0 1 Intel x86-64 2012-03-04 1.54 MB (1 615 160 B) View
Slackware 13.37 3.4.0 1 Intel i486 2012-03-04 1.37 MB (1 435 992 B) View
Slackware 13.37 3.3.1 1 Intel x86-64 2011-10-22 1.16 MB (1 211 580 B) View
Slackware 13.37 3.3.1 1 Intel i486 2011-10-21 1.03 MB (1 075 848 B) View
Slackware 13.1 3.2.2 2 Intel i486 2010-08-29 1 014.03 KB (1 038 368 B) View
Slackware 13.0 3.2.1 2 Intel i486 2009-11-03 1.01 MB (1 060 920 B) View
Slackware 13.0 3.2.1 1 Intel i486 2009-10-24 1.26 MB (1 325 904 B) Deleted