Sotirov-BG.Net - Slackware packages repositories

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Slackware packages repositories

Published by Georgi Sotirov at 2006-10-08 20:19:07 UTC, changed at 2017-12-19 09:45:38 UTC

From today the Slackware package repositories found on this server are availiable to automatic instruments such as swaret and slapt-get. It is not recomended the use of the current repository, because there are packages without determined dependencies.

To use the repositories you need to modify the corresponding configuration file, by adding the following lines:

  • For Slackware 11.0
    • swaret.conf
      REPOS_ROOT=SlackPack%      # by FTP
      REPOS_ROOT=SlackPack% # by HTTP
    • slapt-getrc
      SOURCE=SlackPack%          # by FTP
      SOURCE=SlackPack%     # by HTTP
  • For Slackware 10.2
    • swaret.conf
      REPOS_ROOT=SlackPack%      # by FTP
      REPOS_ROOT=SlackPack% # by HTTP
    • slapt-getrc
      SOURCE=SlackPack%          # by FTP
      SOURCE=SlackPack%     # by HTTP

Soon the fill of the new 11.0 repository will begin, but as far as possible the 10.2 repository will be supported too.

Happy using!