Information, Status, Statistics

Information, status and statistics for the server

This page provides general information and server status. The statistics are available only to administrators.

Server picture

General info

OS:           GNU/Linux
Kernel:       Linux 5.15.145
Distribution: Slackware 15.0
Machine:      x86_64
CPU:          Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2234 CPU @ 3.60GHz

Server status

Up since:       2023-12-31 18:41:49 EET
Up time:        115 days 21 hours 18 minutes 5 second(s)
Power:          On line (AC power)
Battery charge: 100 %
Load average:   1.34 1.29 1.20 (1 of 751 processes/threads running)
Memory:         684.12 MB of 15.22 GB free
Swap:           6.92 GB of 8.00 GB free

Bandwith utilization

Currently 59.87 Kbps of 300000.00 Kbps used
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